dream journal Anylyzing DREAMS, mssages in dreams MY DREAMS!
Well first I will tell what happened to me! When I was a young girl a jr in high school I dreamed my grandfather was going to die the day bfore it happened. Obviously he ha knew it was coming too because he had got all his stuff in order the day bfore. The nxt morning I begged my mom not to send me to school hoping that somehow this was going to stop it from happening. I got a call from the office I was needed in the office My mother came and got me and said they thought my grandfather had had a heartattack We were in the emergency room of a small clinic bcause we didnt live real close to a hospital my brother kept saying he is going to b ok I knew different. That day my grandfather passed away That day was my Birthday NOv the 26 the day I was born the day he died Everyone was fighting when we went to my grandmas Noone took into consideration that it ws my birthday That was the worst day/yr ever! ya know I didnt really want to celebrate my birthday after that day UNtil I got really spi...