dream journal Anylyzing DREAMS, mssages in dreams MY DREAMS!

Well first I will tell what happened to me! When I was a young girl a jr in high school I dreamed my grandfather was going to die the day bfore it happened. Obviously he ha knew it was coming too because he had got all his stuff in order the day bfore. The nxt morning I begged my mom not to send me to school hoping that somehow this was going to stop it from happening. I got a call from the office I was needed in the office My mother came and got me and said they thought my grandfather had had a heartattack We were in the emergency room of a small clinic bcause we didnt live real close to a hospital my brother kept saying he is going to b ok I knew different. That day my grandfather passed away That day was my Birthday NOv the 26 the day I was born the day he died Everyone was fighting when we went to my grandmas Noone took into consideration that it ws my birthday That was the worst day/yr ever! ya know I didnt really want to celebrate my birthday after that day UNtil I got really spiritual and found my solitary path which has helped me thru alot I met a friend and some friends online that told me my grandfather would want me to celebrate his death and celebrate my birth and his birth into his new journey! Then every yr one the summer solstice I celebrate his birth and I celebrate my dads birthday the sping equinox csuse my dad was born on this day Ya know I dont know where its where they are born on such powerful dayz or what but my dad prophetic dreams and I have it too He and I both thought it was a curse I now find it as a gift this thanks to my friends also. I had got a hat yesterday that had a fishing lure on it and it said bite me on it LOL it reminded me of him but I thought well my nephew would like it also maybe since it was his birthday nxt I should give it to him My dreams decided for me I was torn TIL last nite I dreamed of me and my dad going fishing on the lake again and it would have been fine but it was a dream and we were in really shallow water which made no since with a mother in the boat I guess it did make since in the etheral view. So anyway we were fishing and I asked my dad so do u think we are really going to catch anything in this water daddE its awefully shallow and she said sure so it seemed like forever went by and nothing the only thing was these frogs that were in the water with their head sticking out ribbiting and then it hit me we were fishing and frogs My dads nickname is frog so I should def give it to him. Whereever that dream came from I thank it I loved it said it all and the dream wasnt half bad it ws more like we were flying instead of in a boat I will add more to my dreaming when I have more on it I just wanted to share I didnt know other people prophetic dreamed or got messages in their dreams til a friend of mine had mssaged me tht her friend did same thing and that it was a true gift I do beieve it was just the other sides way of trying to get me ready and to let me know not to be in shock when it happened But it was very misleading for me maybe this is how it was sopposed to b maybe this is the way of finding my true path Thank You! Many Blessings to u all on this rainy day Much Love and Light Me


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