
Showing posts from February, 2013

Ok girls Snap Peas are the bomb and healthy too!

Sugar snap peas are awesome in taste and in nutrition! Go get u some spring is almost here I can feel it in the air, I cant wait! I almost cant digest the thought that is just around the corner. I'll leave u with this cuz well I have to clean some on hy home, Here is a link about sugar snap peas Much Love Sweeties

once again nature screws me

It was a beautiful day yesterday sunny not cold springy and I might have got to enjoy 2hrs and 30 min of it Until WRK 11-8 a long day. Today I wake up thinking it would b great if it was like it was yesterday and I could just go outside and enjoy this beautiufl day But NOOOO Its raining cold and windy and my body is aching bcuz all of the hard wrk I did yesterday. Yesterday we had a load of trees come in and I was all excited becuz I wrk in the hardware dept and I get to check them all in UNTIL I realized that there was only one stock clerk cause we are short or should I say the company is tooo cheap to hire another in fear they might have to actually pay someone else to do a job that everybody else will do for practically free, C this is not in my description I am not sopposed to tug on the big heavy crap or have to unload and then put trees n a big cage But.... Oh and what baffles me is there is three managers there and only one helped out after we had almost everything out of the f...