once again nature screws me
It was a beautiful day yesterday sunny not cold springy and I might have got to enjoy 2hrs and 30 min of it Until WRK 11-8 a long day. Today I wake up thinking it would b great if it was like it was yesterday and I could just go outside and enjoy this beautiufl day But NOOOO Its raining cold and windy and my body is aching bcuz all of the hard wrk I did yesterday. Yesterday we had a load of trees come in and I was all excited becuz I wrk in the hardware dept and I get to check them all in UNTIL I realized that there was only one stock clerk cause we are short or should I say the company is tooo cheap to hire another in fear they might have to actually pay someone else to do a job that everybody else will do for practically free, C this is not in my description I am not sopposed to tug on the big heavy crap or have to unload and then put trees n a big cage But.... Oh and what baffles me is there is three managers there and only one helped out after we had almost everything out of the freakin truck. Thn as if it wasnt enuf another manager comes out while im takin a break and is like Me and the stock clerk cant leave here til all these trees are in the cage and he has a bed to take apart bcuz some dumbass didnt forcE a bigass put together bed NOT fitting in his tinyass truck OMG so if u dont care could u and she sends two other girls out asks us if we will put them in the cage and go get carts I am soooo looking for another job I did NOT sign up to wrk the cotton fields this job sucks I hate it and it seems like mother nature has an vindeta against me cuz everyday I get a day off or go in late it snows storms rains or something rather than the sun shining which is prob what I need right now and I am seriously thinking about calling n today cuz when I get there Im not doing anything anyway I mean GAWD u can only xpect so much out of a person I mean right ugh im so tired I wish someone would just draw me a warm bath make my bed pull down my covers fluff my pillow do my laundry for me dinner pick up my kids so I could just reooup from yesterday actually itd be great if someone washed my hair and body and thn broght me a hot toddy in bed too Yeah that would b great
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