
Showing posts from May, 2017

I feel like giving up!

I feel like giving up.... I'm tired. I will not give up . I will keep pushing toward through the depression and the anxiety. I will make of life what I want of it, filling my home with beauty! Playing my cards that I have been dealt. Good night all maybe I'll feel better in the morning. Angels whatch you all though the night until the birds first morning flight. A new day may they guide your way! Many Blessings. Good night!
Well here I go again, getting ready to start a new chapter in my life. I am quitting my job as a cashier to help a friend do a herbal beauty products and such. My husband is getting to go on a new journey of his own , being hired online business.  I hope we both do well! I am still going to keep writing tho as it is really my true passion. Working on taking a vacation before it all hits us. I cant wait for a week at the beach, then to come home and work on my home and family. Much Love and Light Everyone. Peace