Weekend Rants!!!
I am so sick of doing stuff for people and getting shit on. I consider myself one of the best daughter in laws in the whole world! I try to do something nice for her and she tells me Shell dont do anymore Fn favors for me Sooooo Fine. Next time she wants to go down the road for something she can ask some fucking one else cause IM NOT DOIN IT. PerioD My feelings are hurt as well not that she cares at all.All she cares about when she gets in these moods are herself So yes I am hatin today. I went out in the yard to work for awhile and thought it might get some anger out WRONG it didnt so now I am blogging. It kinda helps KINDA I am still highly pissed I need some special brownies LOL to make myself feel better:)))) I am in desperate need of a night out Hubby is gone on a golfing trip and I just need to get out Who knows maybe afterwhile I will venture to my moms and leave the kids for awhile while I go back up the road and cruise. I know I know Im a momma and dont need to cruise YES I DO I think It would help me vent. Just chillin all by my lonesome. Well friends guess I will go for now and maybe the rest of the weekend will get better For now PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!
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