fried green tomates

For some odd reason my body has been craving Fried green tomatoes! I know not why and I have been debating whether to pick some or leave them to get ripe. Well this morning I picked my first two red ones. I couldnt take it anymore I pulled one green for me JUST ME Obviously my body is lacking something What, I still dont know. I have to venture back to Eathing the Angel Way to find out! My Baby thats actually 10 went to the 5th grade today and I am trying to keep myself busy today so I dont worry about her. I am here with my youngest Gabby 4 and my niece Olivia 4 until they go to preschool then I really dont know what I will do. Guess it will be craft time for me until they come home. That will give me plenty of time to read a book and do some of the crafts in it. I have been wanting to make picture frames for my kids to protect them I will follow up and tell u how to do it if u are interested I think I am also going to make my friend one for her baby boy! Well time to eat my Green tomatoes Have a Beautiful day darlings I leave you with a pic this yrs cucumber harvest!


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