वेल इट्स ओफ्फिसिअल

Well its official, I like my own company the best! just me myself and I. I had the whole day to myself and Yeah I cleaned and straitend up the house all day But there was no kids or husbands or animals inside to mess up everything. However evening comes and Bam Everything goes down the shitter Yeah I said it LOL Tacos for the dinner cause the hubs dont want hamburger helper which is fine I cleaned all the dishes now Im letting the Really nasty ones soak in some bleach water. I am getting a kick out of hubby trying to fill the rold of mommy and fixing tacos for two 5 yr old little girls that dont know really know what they want and keep changing their mind on him Im laughing the whole time because one of the 5 yr old comes bk for seconds and he has to make mor hard shelled tacos hahah and I laugh really hard when he says sure I guess I wil eat when I get to eat or one of these days if he only knew that this is what I go thru EVERYDAY and he just gets a lil taste of them not listening and fighting OY Vay But I love them all at the end of the day but I Really value my ME time even if its really a we time because I am cleaning up after them.


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