Chocolate Eclair cake!
Today its my hubbys b-day. So I decide to get all domestic kitchen witchy. Ha Ha what was I thinking? After making his 2nd fav a couple of yrs ago which was a Jello cake and it was a messy much cause I used WAY too much Jell-o I read directions I get confused not much more to say LOL So anyway back to the story I decide I am going to make his first LOVE an chocolate eclair cake! So I call my mother in law for the recipe. Went down the road at 11 its almost 4 I am not A happy camper. I fix the bottom The crust movin on to the topping one layer on the cream cheese, confectionary sugar and whip creme yumm next to the chocOlate pudding. My mother in law tells me now I always get mine to watery and have to let it set in a bowl of cold water I think maybe not so much water as it says on the package. Awesome I think to myself just the right consistancy. As I am slapping on the pudding I am thinking to myself why in the WORLD would u put this in the oven to bake it Wouldnt it just melt So I call my mother in law and ask I guess I was sopposed to bake the crust first ay Yeah thats why it says ... I swear I read the directions I SWEAR I come from a long line of bakers but for the love of God I couldnt bake myself out of a disaster if there was only a oven and it was the only thing on earth to use for me to cook on WE would surely die of starvation cause there is no way you eat burnt crumbs and live Well maybe but anyway so I have to rescue the cake and take all the topping off and put the crust in oven. Then I must WAIT put ALL the topping back on UGH I hope it tastes good it was made with lots of love and curse words haha By now I am sooo tired my fingers are throbbing. I thought I would get a break between dinner but NO OH WAIT I do I DO turkey salad the father in law has turkey salad Yay I dont have to cook Goddess Bless thinking I am now going to take a well deserved break I will give up the recipe when my fingers arnt trobbing
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