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Im sooo steamin So when we went to the beach my 10 yr old daughter got all of her hmwk for the week of the beach so she could do it in her spare time at the beach. She does it Comes back the teacher gives her a test that she is sopposed to take on Friday tuesday and she makes a 30 on it gives her make up wk to a sub and somehow it dissappears and she has to do it again I let it slide make her do it again and NOW what am I getting another freakin note saying she hasnt done it! AND BY GOD ahe WONT do it AGAIN! She has As and Bs in all other studies and her health teacher is the devil herself LOL Seriously Persephone if you will. I have already went to the principal once on her I guess it didnt do anygood So tommorow I am going down there again and I suppose making an ass out of myself Oh well we do what we have to for our kids RIGHT! Damn Skippy my hubby said if he heard sirens he would bail my ass out of jail LOL Im not kidding though Brianna has some of the wk that she wants checked already and The teacher sent home HellO did ya forget ya checked it dumbass OHHHHH I am so mad It is also the week she is running for student counci Great so I am making posters and trying to get all the 5th graders to notice her so she can be in student council! She said some other students were having trouble with Persephone but they wouldnt tell their moms about it Looks like I am going to have to get to kicking some ass maybe asking in some facebook messages if any of the other students are having problems Ya know once one kid steps foward they all will have the gumption too I am glad my girl is a leader and is not afraid to come hm and tell me about her day at school and what a Bitch she has for a teacher Well friends time to go and get all my shit together so I can take it in tommorow and Raise some Hell Toodle;0
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