Fall into Autum! I think I am falling for Autumn.Everytime this season comes around I find myself in awe as the wind blows the leaves from the trees. They fall in a way that is so breathtaking and magical I love it:)s Every yr I go to the top of my hill when it is time for my girls to get off of the school bus. As I am standing there the wind blows I close my eyes and breathein the smell of fall. Opening my eyes I am surrounded by a multitude of leaves tumbling to the ground and I NEVER can seem to have my camera at this special moment,ho knows if the magic would even be captured on camera for me its just a feeling of Bliss.Everytning just seems to fall into place around this time of yr the kisds get along better I get more done Of course money is always an issue this tiem of yr cause its the end of the yr and Christmas is just around the corner but thats what its there for to spend. My grandma always said you cant take it with u. Its almost a blessing a simpler life or at least I would hope. Well the girls are playing and I cant concentrate anymore soo. toodles for now Many Blessings girls
My baby gurl
She had a functional MRI last week. Today they called us to let us know they couldnt touch it. It is to close to her speach and other things so for now her seizures has stopped and they are sending us to the seizure clinic. I dont know what to do anymore xcept cry. As a mother I know I cant do this though I have to be strong for her so I am going to try my best! ITS NOT EASY BEING CHEESY Wishing everyone a peaceful night.
Enjoy the autumn leaves while they last!