
Showing posts from January, 2012

Whats ur spring project?

Well after reading a post of Beyond the fields we know I have decided to start on a special project for me and my girls. I want a spiritual little encased grove of trees for me and my girls to go to be one with nature I want it secret so noONE else knows about it Xcpt us kinda for ur eyes only spiritual place:)) It is on the side of my house that noone goes anyway and I want to leave the thorns around it just clear the brush from the middle of it and put some olive trees around it making a circle maybe a bird house I already have Rocks with moss growing on them from where I had decided I wanted a path cut so I could go all the way around my house in kinda a secret way. I really like this idea, maybe a little table that we can sit at and conversate. maybe a little fairy gardenAll my spiritual stuff have little garden parties Oh my I cant wait to get started on it I am going to incorperate roses in it somewhere cuse well Roses and garden party just Gooo together. Cant wait cant wait CANT...

The perfect beach house

Well I have found the perfect beach house for us this year. Its in a great spot not to far from the bridge that we cross over to get to the beach its in the 100s vs 1000 down the beach. Last yr I actually drove over the big bridge and I also drove over it N the drk also which amazed me. I just Really connected with the place we have been going to since I married my husband 11 yrs ago. But in 2009 and 10 I really just felt like I had lived there in a past life I cant wait to go bk this yr. We usually go in the fall but this yr we are going in the summer June 2 for a wk cause my sister in laws vaca time is thn and my husband can take off whenever cause well his jobs cool like that LOL. I have been applying for jobs also and in Feb I hope to get a job that I can live with til I get my own bussiness up and running and who knows maybe I will do bth jobs if its not to stressful. Bk to the beach I cant wait and with the new job I will have Xtra money to spend on clothes and stuff for me and m...

वेल इट्स ओफ्फिसिअल

Well its official, I like my own company the best! just me myself and I. I had the whole day to myself and Yeah I cleaned and straitend up the house all day But there was no kids or husbands or animals inside to mess up everything. However evening comes and Bam Everything goes down the shitter Yeah I said it LOL Tacos for the dinner cause the hubs dont want hamburger helper which is fine I cleaned all the dishes now Im letting the Really nasty ones soak in some bleach water. I am getting a kick out of hubby trying to fill the rold of mommy and fixing tacos for two 5 yr old little girls that dont know really know what they want and keep changing their mind on him Im laughing the whole time because one of the 5 yr old comes bk for seconds and he has to make mor hard shelled tacos hahah and I laugh really hard when he says sure I guess I wil eat when I get to eat or one of these days if he only knew that this is what I go thru EVERYDAY and he just gets a lil taste of them not listening an...